Providing an experienced Qualified (Grad Cert in Continence Promotion and Management) NDIS Continence / Incontinence nurse assessment in the Brisbane Region or using Telehealth or FaceTime for other areas.
An assessment includes a management program, continence consumable prescriptions and NDIS report. Supra-Pubic, Men, Women urethral catheter changes available.
NDIS Comprehensive Continence Nurse Assessment Service – Clinical Nurse Continence Consultant.
Bowel care is an important part in managing and avoiding severe constipation or faecal incontinence. A bowel care plan can be developed specifically for each participant’s needs, with a Continence Nurse Specialist then providing education and training for the participant’s support workers.
Urinary Catheters require replacing and disposing of bags and monitoring the viability of indwelling and suprapubic catheters. Insertion of the catheter is done by a Registered Nurse.