Nursing Bears
Registered NDIS provider

Phone: 0486 038 175

Services Booking


Continence / Incontinence Assessments

An Assessment includes a management program, continence consumable prescriptions and NDIS report. Supra-Pubic, Men, Women urethral catheter changes available.

NDIS Comprehensive Continence Nurse Assessment Service – Clinical Nurse Continence Consultant.

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Medico-Legal Assessments

A Medico-legal assessment involves the examination and evaluation of an individual’s medical condition or injuries in the context of legal matters.

At Nursing Bears, we have trained registered nurses who can provide objective medical opinions to assist in disability assessments, incontinence assessments, and personal injury claims.

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Managing Diabetes

We take the time to understand your holistic needs including your lifestyle and cultural preferences.

The care of patients with type 2 diabetes must be tailored toward individual needs, beginning with education and adoption of an optimised treatment regimen.

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Telehealth (Telephone)

Telehealth or online therapy uses technology to have a therapy session. It allows access to therapy when people can’t do face-to-face sessions and suits people who prefer the comfort and safety of their own home.

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Pressure Injury and Wound Care Management

Qualified Registered Nurses who are expert in wound care nursing who will assess the wound and write out a plan of care for the nurse to follow.

Some of the things to watch out for in avoiding pressure injuries are pressure, friction, and shear.

Nursing Bears can also train support workers/families within the NDIS or aged care in prevention of pressure areas and wounds.

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Specialised Support – Discharge Planning

Nursing Bears can help participants manage hospital discharge and ensure that this is timely discharge with the right NDIS-funded supports.

Nursing Bears places a high priority in enhancing outcomes for people with newly acquired disability and/or change in condition who are NDIS participants or NDIS eligible.

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